Se fura ca in codru la Institutul de Arheologie din Bucuresti ?


Daca din casa noastra observam disparitia unor obiecte, cum numim acest lucru altfel dec^t FURT.

Si cum ii numim pe cei platiti sa ne protejeze casa si care aparent nu-s fac datoria..partasi prin neglijenta sau compici, daca nu sunt chiar ei hotii.

Si care sunt prevederile codului lega pentru acesti vinovati?

Read more: Se fura ca in codru la Institutul de Arheologie din Bucuresti ?

The Carpatho-Danubian Space


The Carpatho-Danubian space bears the oldest vestiges of man’s existence and activities in Europe, indicating its belonging to the vast area of anthropogenesis.

In Valcea County, at Bugiulesti, an important number of animal bones leads back to the Villafranchian period. Human osteological remains found at Ohaba Ponor Cave (two hand phalanxes and a foot one) belonging to Homo sapiens neanderthalensis speak of a different historical period.

Read more: The Carpatho-Danubian Space

The deep roots of The Danube civilization



By Marco Merlini


1. The high status of the Danube Civilisation


The “early civilisation” status can no longer limit itself to the regions which have long attracted scholarly attention (i.e. Egypt, Mesopotamia, the Levant and the ancient Indus valley), but it has to expand to embrace the Neolithic and Chalcolithic civilisation of the Danube Valley.

Read more: The deep roots of The Danube civilization