Daciens and their ancestors, the Masters of the Ancien World, as reflected in medieval writings
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Daciens and their ancestors, the Masters of the Ancien World, as reflected in medieval writings.
Kalamazoo May 2014
The Carpatho-Danubian space bears the oldest vestiges of man’s existence and activities in Europe, indicating its belonging to the vast area of anthropogenesis.
In Valcea County, at Bugiulesti, an important number of animal bones leads back to the Villafranchian period. Human osteological remains found at Ohaba Ponor Cave (two hand phalanxes and a foot one) belonging to Homo sapiens neanderthalensis speak of a different historical period.
The Cave of the Crow, once a settlement near today’s Brosteni, Gorj County, dated with radioactive carbon, proved to have been inhabited more then 40,000 years ago. Obviously, we cannot say much about these remote ancestors of the Carpatho-Danubian people.
We shall try today to take the first step by speaking of the origin of the “latin” language spread all over the ancient world from these space.
Some scholars consider that because of the similarities between Romanian and Italian and especially Latin language, the Romanians are the late descendants of the Romans. Especially because the latters conquered Dacia in 106 AD ( Dacia, is the old name for the Carpatho-Danubian Space nowadays inhabited by the Romanian people) for a period of 165 years.
Others hold that during the 165 years the Roman troops imposed Latin to the native population, to the complete disappearance of the local language. Only 14% of Dacia was conquered by the Roman soldiers who must have spoken all languages other than Latin.
How did the first theory, adopted also by the Romanian government today, begin?
In The Moldavian Chronicle, Grigore Ureche (1560 – 1647) traces back our ancestry to the “Ram” (Rome) because of the similarities between the language the Moldavians spoke and the one used by the population of the Italic Peninsula.
What scientific arguments could he have provided 500 years ago that could support such a theory? It is hard to answer. Seemingly, leading an isolated monastic life he must have based his theory on intuition only. The harm that he did to the history of the Dacian – Romanian people has been hard to imagine.
However, what can one say about those who took over his theory, only to spread it out proudly?
Miron Costin (1633 – 1691), another scholar of the Moldavian history, as if trying to overtake his predecessor, started to popularize the idea and translate it into other languages, Polish included. (See his Polish Poem). He emigrated from Poland, at age 18, after studying in a Jesuit college not only Polish language, but also Italian and especially classic Latin.
However, they are not the only promoters of the theory supporting the Roman descent of the Moldavian, Wallachian, and Transylvanian people (who even back then shared, as they do today, the same language, very similar, apparently, with Latin).
Nicolas Olahus who published his Geography of Hungary in 1558 took pride in the fact that he was of Roman lineage.
Seemingly, this theory of the questionable origin and descent of the Dacian-Romanians was embraced even by Pope Pius II. (according to it, the Dacian wives and daughters were “eager” to wed and join the Roman soldiers for no other reason than to learn Latin).
The 17th century brings two other brilliant scholars, Dimitrie Cantemir and Constantin Cantacuzino, who took over and spread even farther this theory of Roman descent. (although Dimitrie Cantemir himself speaks at some point about “our Dacian language”).
The 18th and 19th century, through the movement called “The School of Ardeal” and its promoters, witness the introduction of the above theory into schools, colleges and universities.
In 1908, Nicolae Iorga, a great professor of history, whose mother’s maiden name was Arghiropol, during the first conference of the Popular University at Valenii de Munte, made another approach to the so-called theory of the “Romanization” of the Dacian people, a regrettable hypothesis that slowed down the Dacian research for a few hundred years.
However, let us see who are those who consider the Geto-Dacians the bravest among the Dacians, the true ancestors of the Carpatho-Danubians and of today’s Daco-Romanians.
In 1554, Joannes Magnus publishes in Rome his Historia de Omnibus Gothorum which speaks of the Geto-Dacians as of the founders of Europe; according to him, Zamolxis created or enacted the first written laws in the history of mankind, which would inspire the Athenian ones and almost all the legislation of the ancient world. He publishes not only Zamolxis’s laws but also the Getic alphabet. I wonder why Grigore Ureche, the Moldavian erudite scholar, did not read his book, which had been written in Medieval Latin when Ureche was 6 years old. Was it his young age that stopped this well-learned Moldavian scholar from reading the above-mentioned book?
In 1597, in Lyon, the brilliant scholar Bonaventura Vulcanius publishes his De literis et lingua Getarum sive Gotharum; at the time Grigore Ureche was 37 years old, but again, unfortunately, for all his erudition, he does not seek to go beyond the knowledge he had acquired there, in a remote monastery in Moldavia.
The year 1687 bears a special significance in the history of the Carpatho-Danubian space; at Upsala, Carolus Lundius, the president of the Swedish Academy of Sciences, published his “Zamolxis Primus Getarum Legislator”, providing extremely well-documented information about the Geto-Dacians (unfortunately this was long after Grigore Ureche had died). However, the thesis could have been studied and further approached by Miron Costin, the Moldavian scholar, 54 years old at the time (his violent death, by decapitation, four years later followed his accusation, by the then Moldavian prince, of espionage for the Poland).
Still, documents speaking of the continuity of the Dacians on this land in the 11th century have been found within the borders of the Carpatho-Danubian space too. Codex Rohonczi mentions the Dacian writing. This might explain why the sermon in the Orthodox Church was using Dacian, “vulgar” Latin. The first musical notes in the European history, “The Hymn of the Blachi Youth”, were the expression of these people’s loyalty towards their country and sovereign, Vlad.
In Transylvania, Nicolae Densuseanu (1846-1911), one of the greatest personalities of the Carpatho-Danubian space, finds the courage to fight the world and cast a different
light on the already existing theory. The Carpatho-Danubians’ roots, according to him, do not go back to the year 106 AD; this people’s history spans back, thousands of years ago, to a time when our ancestry was synonymous with heroism.
We do not have to forget the most recently book “ We are not the Roma descendents”/ “ Noi nu suntem urmasii Romei” which really snaked the old dogma that the Romanians are the descendent of roman people.
What Codex Rohonczy, Joannes Magnus, Bonaventura Vulcanius, Carolus Lundius, N. Densuseanu, Marija Gimbutas, Dumitru Balasa, the priest and history researcher (see his Tale of Romanization), Ph.D. Prof. Augustin Deac (The Romanians, Geto-Dacians’ late nephews) defend, namely that the Dacians were speaking Vulgar Latin long before Rome itself existed, sounds by far more logical.
Recently, Miceal Ledwith was former adviser to Pope John Paul II, dean of St. Peter's College in Wexford Diocesan, former chairman of the Conference of Heads of Irish Universities and former member of the leadership of the European University Rectors Conference considers that the Latin language is having the origin in the old Romanian language. See attached. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=AfDfq0w-G34#at=27
Danube Valley Civilization script is the oldest writing in the world, is telling as Harald Haarmann. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Iq4Q...
The Old Europe, the place were the ancestors of the Dacien people have started to live: The Danube Valley Civilization, 5000- BC, is called today by the scientific people from New York University “The European Cradle “- The First High Culture in The World is as a matter of fact the Carpatho-Danubian-Balkans space.
Before the glory that was Greece and Rome, even before the first cities of Mesopotamia or temples along the Nile, there have lived in the Lower Danube Valley and the Carpato-Danubian-Balkans foothills people who were ahead of their time in art, technology and long-distance trade. Old Europe, in that specific space, was among the most culturally rich region in the world. Its inhabitants lived in prosperous agricultural towns. The ubiquitous goddess figurines found in their houses and shrines have triggered intense debates about women's roles.
The people of this region founded new settlements in the Danube Valley. Scientists call this society Danube Civilization. This people were the first in history who used copper tools, they lived in two-storied houses and sat on chairs, while the rest of the world was stuck in the middle of the Stone Age. They invented writing. oldest copper mines of the world, bake bread using ovens that are 8000 years old. This culture lived 2000 years in peace as an equivalent society. But then, they discovered gold. The era of money and power began. The heart of Old Europe was in the lower Danube valley, in contemporary Romania, Moldova , Bulgaria, and Serbia. Old European coppersmiths were the most advanced metal artisans in the world. Their intense interest in acquiring copper, Aegean shells, and other rare valuables gave rise to far-reaching trading networks. In their graves, the bodies of Old European chieftains were adorned with pounds of gold and copper ornaments. Their funerals were without parallel in the Near East or Egypt.
An unparalleled introduction to Old Europe's cultural, technological, and artistic legacy, for 1,500 years, starting earlier than 5000 B.C., they farmed and built sizable towns, a few with as many as 10,000 dwellings. They mastered large-scale copper smelting, the new technology of the age. Their graves held an impressive array of exquisite headdresses and necklaces and, in one cemetery, the earliest major assemblage of gold artifacts to be found anywhere in the world.
The striking designs of their pottery speak of the refinement of the culture's visual language. Until recent discoveries, the most intriguing artifacts were the ubiquitous terracotta "goddess" figurines, originally interpreted as evidence of the spiritual and political power of women in society.
At its peak, around 4500 B.C., said David W. Anthony, the exhibition's guest curator at Metropolitan museum , "Old Europe was among the most sophisticated and technologically advanced places in the world" and was developing "many of the political, technological and ideological signs of civilization." Admiring the colorful ceramics, Dr. Bagnall, a specialist in Egyptian archaeology, remarked that at the time "Egyptians were certainly not making pottery like this”.
The story now emerging is of pioneer farmers after about 6200 B.C. moving north, bringing wheat and barley seeds and domesticated cattle and sheep. They established colonies along the Black Sea and in the river plains and hills, and these evolved into related but somewhat distinct cultures, archaeologists have learned. The settlements maintained close contact through networks of trade in copper and gold and also shared patterns of ceramics.
The Spondylus shell from the Aegean Sea was a special item of trade. Perhaps the shells, used in pendants and bracelets. Other scholars view such long-distance acquisitions as being motivated in part by ideology in which goods are not commodities in the modern sense but rather "valuables," symbols of status and recognition.
A German scientist , Harald Haarmann , discovered writings from the Stone Age, that may change our understanding of history.
From the wild and untouched region of the Carpatho-Danubian, from Romania/ Tartaria comes a remarkable story that shatters our knowledge about the origins of civilization. According to latest scientific findings, the people from the so called Danube Civilization lived in cities, used copper tools and script thousands of years earlier than any other high culture in the world. But conservative historians reject the idea of an early civilization in Europe, which existed 8000 years ago. This documentary accompanies a brilliant scientist on his journey to the Danube Valley. Harald Haarmann wants to convince the Mesopotamian Scholars. If he discovers the oldest sentence ever written, he would have changed history!
In the scientific world he is called “The Einstein of linguistics”.
Harald Haarmann is the world leading specialist of ancient scripts and languages. He was appointed to professorships in Germany, Japan an USA. He speaks nine languages, wrote over 50 books. A lot of them became standard works in the domain of languages. According to him, the Danube Script is the oldest writing in the world! With this theory, Harald Haarmann can change history. He is a highly recognized scientist who risks his reputation with this quest. Because now, he wants to prove his theory once for all.
History would have to be rewritten
The attached TV documentary is the story about a brilliant scientist, whose theory shatters everything we know about the history of humanity. But conservative historians refuse to accept his idea, that people in the Stone Age already used writing to communicate. They wait for the ultimate proof. We accompany Harald Haarmann on his quest for the evidence: the oldest sentence ever written! He is going to investigate the latest discoveries and also the most astonishing artifacts, covered in writing.
The Mystery of the Danube Script is also a journey through the wild and untouched nature of the Romania , where the people of the Danube Civilization lived. From the steep and rocky Danube Valley, to the picturesque landscape of Transylvania, down to the golden shore of the Black Sea.
It began with Noah´s flood and ended with the invention of gold
Noah´s flood really happened. 9000 years ago, after the last Ice Age the sea level rose and flooded a fertile region, which today is called the Black Sea. The people of this region founded new settlements in the Danube Valley. Scientists call this society Danube Civilization, society where the most ancient writings of the world have been found, were signs and symbols on mysterious artifacts are present all over. Marco Merlini : “Semiotic approach to the features of the ‘Danube Script’
He is investigating the latest discoveries and also the most astonishing findings regarding the Danubian writing. Step by step, he gives evidence of many artefactes which are carring the oldesc writting known in the world, at least 2000 years before the Mesopotamian one.
The US-scientist Toby Griffen is going to decipher the oldest sentence ever written found in the Danubian scripts. One thing is already known about this sentence, its message: God is a Woman!