The Thracian genealogical tree counts over 200 tribes, of which the most important ones are those of the Dacians, the Getae, the Ramantes people, of the Besins (the metallurgists), of the Latins, etc.

Dio Cassius would say, "let us not forget that Trajan was a true-born Thracian.

The fights between Trajan and Decebalus were fratricidal wars, and the Thracians were Dacians."

According to Mircea Eliade, the huge number of the branches coming out of the Thracian genealogical tree would amount to approximately 200. ("The Dictionary of

Religions," page. 265) Professor Dumitru Balasa drew up a chart of these and counted no less than 150 Thracian branches (see "The Country of the Sun" or "The History of Daco-Romania," Kagaion Publishing House, 1997).

Herodotus (425 BC) would write: "The Thracian people is the most numerous one of the world; the Thracians have several names, according to their specific regions, but their habits are more or less the same." (Fontes, I, 65) After the Greek victory over the Persians, at Maraton, the king Xerxes (486-465 BC) makes himself a big army among whose soldiers Herodotus mentions the

presence of the Bithynian Thracians, from the north-western Asia Minor, who are described as follows:

"The Thracians joined the expedition wearing fox caps, wearing long coats under their vivid colored capes. Their calf-high footwear was made of deerskin. They were equipped with spears, light shields and small daggers."

Ovid, in his "The Sorrowful" speaks about the Geto-Dacians in the following words:
* You can see them on horseback, riding in midroad.
* Among them you won't find anyone who does not carry a quiver, bow and arrows whose spikes are yellow with the viper's poison.
* Their voices are hoarse, their faces wild and they look like the most genuine embodiment of Mars.
* They have never had their hair or beard cut.
* Their right hand is always ready to thrust the knife that they have fastened to their hip. In 547 BC Cyrus' Persians defeated the Thracian Lydian kingdom in Asia Minor, extending their sovereignty as far to the northwest as the southern shore of the Sea of Marmara.

The Persian king Darius I (522-486 BC) undertook an expedition northwards of the Danube, and according to Herodotus, the only branch of the Thracians to fight with them were the Getae from Scythia Minor (Dobrogea), who would not have Darius settle down there. Darius was attacked both by the Thracians from the Pangaion Mountains and by the Odomanti Thracians, who had settled down northwards, preserving thus their independence.

In the course of history, the Thracian Peninsula (of the Chersonese) was in turn under Persian and then under Greek command.

The tribal confederation of the Odrisi-Thracians, which had had a resounding evolution, was to be broken up by the Macedonian king Philip II, as a result of a fratricidal war. The king undertook an expedition to the lower Danube regions (339 BC), where the Getic king Kothelas had given him his daughter, Meda, away in marriage. The same Macedonian Thracians, loaded with prisoners and cattle after defeating the Scythians, were attacked, in their turn, as they were crossing the Haemus Mountains on their way back home, by the Tribal Thracians who robbed them of their spoils of war and wounded Philip II badly in the leg.

Four years later, a young Macedonian Thracian, Philip II's son, Alexander the Great (336-326 BC) took a foray into the regions north of the Balkan Mountains, to the "Gods' Country" - Dacia - and, like his father, fought hard battles against his Geto-Dacian brothers whose king Syrmos ("from the sun") had barricaded himself on an isle on the Danube, known today as "Paiucul lui Soare" and which I myself strolled over in 1973-74 and found remote and strange.

A team of archaeologists were seriously working there and were glad and proud to speak to me and my friend Mihai, an agronomist, about the mysteries of the place. At the time I was a young doctor working in the village Roseti, in the Calarasi district, and waiting for one more year to

pass before starting my probation time in surgery, in Bucharest, with Prof. Juvara. I had read Nicolae Densuseanu's writings several times already and our conversation was passionate, heated almost, but nonetheless polite.

I had neither heard about king Syrmos nor about his later defeat. They on the other hand didn't know about the Geto-Dacian origin of the name Alexander. By the way, let us stop for a second and study its origin: Alexan-Dros - "The one sacrificed to the stag" (as Orpheus' stag was also called Dros "the Stag"; the terrible Getic tradition, according to which a pure herald or messenger was to be sent to Heaven, was made up in the memory of his sacrifice. (See A. Bucurescu "Secret Dacia", page. 21).

Thus Alexander is a very old Pelasgian, Carpatho-Danubian name - and the world should know about it. He was the messenger who every four years was thrown up and then caught in spears and who by his death would bring his people's message to the Supreme God.

In the course of history, the Carpatho-Danubian people spread around the core of the natural fortress made by the Carpathians, mountains difficult to pass or climb, where gold, silver and salt were in abundance.

The Carpatho-Danubians spread about the whole Central Europe, from the Austrian Alps and from the Bavarian Plain as far as the tablelands of the Eastern Galicia and the steppe of Dobrogea, reaching the so-called meridional (southern) Russia; from the Nistru (Dniester) as far as Kuban (see the Cimmerian Thracians), Asia Minor - the Thracian (Aegean) Sea Islands were

first inhabited by the Pelasgian-Thracian-Aryan "Carpatho-Danubians" - and reaching Northern Africa (see the Garamantes).

However, if history seems to have been so generous with our Thracian people, not the same thing happens with the contemporary historians.

The Bulgarians, seemingly a Slavic people, who hail from the remote Asia, re-discover themselves today and no longer see themselves as the invaders who arrived in the 6th century AD, but no more, no less than the Thracians' descendants!

They won't have anything in common with the Slavic people (or with the Bulgarian Mongoloids from the Volga). As one reads the works of Acad.

V.Georgiev, Prof. A.Fol and G.I.Georgiev, one finds out that actually there were no Thracians living north of the Danube and that the Bulgarians became Thracians by extending their history by (several) thousands of years. Not to mention the fact that until their former president Jivkov's daughter became a historiographer, the Bulgarians had thought of themselves as having a Slavonic origin!

Obviously, not only the "academicians, professors of history" are altering the historical data, but also the Communist presidents' daughters ... To what purposes? For certain geo-political reasons. Would it not have been less complicated to pride themselves with overrunning us in the 6th century, subjugating and ploughing us down, leaving behind only a small number of survivors - "the Melelno-Romans"?

When your language is Slavonic (and coming late in the history of the world) how can you say that you are of Thracian descent?

Along the river Marita, there used to live the Odrisi-Thracians, their name being mentioned until as late as the 3rd century BC. Similarly, along the river Struma there lived the Medes, a tribe from which Spartacus descended, the one who shook and frightened Rome. Born around the year 113 BC, enrolled in the Roman army, he took the liberty of a "short holiday" on his own account, got caught and was then turned into a gladiator-slave.

Educated at the Capua school, excellently trained and skilled and with a Thracian heart pounding in his chest, he would not die in the ring (arena) to the satisfaction of "the masters", and escaped together with other 70 fellow prisoners, building himself a small army with which he managed to shake the Roman Empire.

It was fear that forced the Romans, several times defeated by the army of the Thracian Spartacus, to send Marcus Licinius Crassus and Pompei (brought from Spain especially for this) against him. Defeated by a huge army, Spartacus dies heroically, in 71BC, near Silar, facing his death with laughter, in the old Dacian tradition.

It so happens that history sometimes changes the meaning of certain symbols: the name of our Thracian hero was taken by the Socialist Germans who, after the First World War, founded "Spartacus' League/Alliance" (Spartakusbund). This alliance, led by Rosa Luxemburg and Carol Liebknecht were to change "Spartacus' League" into the German Communist Party on December 30, 1918. The irony of fate! Once more, the Germans, after a few years, came up with a new idea; that of stealing the Symbol of Eternal Life, the Pelasgian Swastika, and turned it into the most extremist symbol of intolerance and cruelty, the emblem of those who were to be held responsible for mass martyrdom.

Thus, such old symbols - used and abused - may lose their original value; this happened to the old Carpatho-Danubian Hittite emblem of the two-headed eagle. First taken by Byzantium, then by the Huns on founding the Austro-Hungarian Empire, etc. etc., only to be nowadays taken over by the new Russia.

Let us not forget the Odrisi people - a Thracian tribe settled in the Rodopi Mountains - who rose in arms against the Roman Empire in 26AD.

Leaving aside the Bulgarians turned Thracian overnight by Jivkov's daughter and other historians, let us move more to the south of the Dacian territory.

The Ph.D. Univ. Prof. Decebal Bucurescu mentions Herodotus (Histories, II, 56) who speaks about "Ellas (Greece) - a country formerly called Pelasgia."

These Greek people who made their arrival between 1900-1400 BC in four waves - the Achaean, the Ionian, the Dorian, and the Aeolian - found the Carpatho-Danubian Pelasgians (calling themselves Thracians) at home. The above-mentioned Greek people defeated us several times, managing to occupy the southern part of the Balkan Peninsula. Then they took over Asia Minor

(see the war against the Ramantes Thracians, citizens of Troy) and finally took possession of our islands in the Thracian Sea (the Greeks changing its name into the Aegean Sea) (see their war under Teristocles against the Sinthion ? ori Sinthionian?


Our revenge on the Greeks came as the Macedonian-Pelasgian Thracian Alexander (336-323 BC) defeated Greece and enrolled the defeated soldiers in his army, as tradition has it. Alexander re-builds in a short while the Great Pelasgian Empire, re-conquering Egypt, Mesopotamia, Persia, India, the capital of this new Great Pelasgian Empire being at Pela.

Time went by and now, after 2000 years, the "Greek historians" this time re-discover the Macedonian Alexander, consider him of Greek origin and place him in the Pantheon (after 2000 years!!!) On the other hand, the Bulgarians are doing their best to adjudge Alexander to themselves, considering him one of the greatest Bulgarian generals of Antiquity.

Alexander, come down to us, old prince

Gather them together

And divide them into two herds:

Madmen and rascals.

In the meantime, the Pelasgians became Greeks, as the Thracians had done; is it possible that Herodotus was wrong or maybe he did not know what the phrase "politically correct" meant when he considered the Thracians different from the Greeks? History, history, history ... poor history.

The only ones who did not have any claims as to Alexander's origin and ancestry were ... the Romanians.

No sword will strike off

A humble, submissive head,

Yet, the chain will surely bend it.

Herodotus, in "Histories V. 9" wrote that "starting with the Hercynian Woods, the western frontier of the Pelasgian Thracian space crosses the Eastern Alps, passing by Noricum, a province inhabited mainly by Dacian and Celto-Germanic people, and then goes as far down as to the Aquileea (nowadays Terzo d' Aquileia - Italy), to the Venetians' Golf. From this point the western and south-western border of the Pelasgian -Thracian space follows the shore of the Adriatic Sea, the entire western shore of the Balkan Peninsula and reaches as far as Crete.

According to Strabon's information from Geography (VII, 5, 1 - "The Istros and the Alps between Italy and Germany") "the Pelasgian-Thracian-Illyrian populations own a territory bordering on that lake (reference is made to Constanza, a lake in today's Switzerland) next to which live the Vindelicii, the Retti, and the Helvetti ... The above-mentioned territory (Alpine-Pannonian-Illyrian) was laid waste by the Boi people and the Taurians - Celtic tribes under Critasiros. The Dacians laid claim over this territory, although they were separated from it by the river Parisos (today, the river Paar, in Germany) which crossed the mountains and flowed into "the Istros" (old name of the Danube).

The origin of this Thracian people, for whom the geography and climatic conditions contributed to their white-colored skin (preserved like this despite Oriental invasions, crossbreeding and overrunning), is easily apt to be confused with that of the Carpatho-Danubian Aryans, of the old

Pelasgian people, founders of modern Europe. Of late, more and more researchers have been of the opinion that the cradle of the old Europe is the Carpatho-Danubian space (Marija Gimutas), while P.Bosch-Ghimpera holds that the starting territory of the European peoples is the space between the Danube's Valley, the Aegean Sea (the Thracian Sea) and the Black Sea (the Getic Sea). The same opinion was shared both by historians, archaeologists and by certain linguists, among which we should mention Vladimir Georgiev. The importance of the Thracians and of the Thracian space was scientifically proved for the first time by Vasile Parvan. Born on September 28, 1882, in the small parish village Perchiu, from the village Huruiesti, in the Tecuci district, son of a rural inventor, Vasile Parvan too fell in love with the prehistory of the Romanian people. At 27 he became a member of the Romanian Academy, professor of ancient history at the University of Bucharest, and Director of the National Museum of Antiquities. He is the author of the historical and archaeological synthesis about the proto-history of Dacia, work that he himself entitled "The Getic". The work brings proof - well documented and conclusive - as to the greatness of the Geto-Dacian people. Vasile Parvan died young, before turning 45; his

scientific work is an invaluable thesaurus.

Linguistically speaking, several researchers back up the existence of an Aryan language (Pelasgian) from which the Thracian language later developed with all its local variants. Considering the similarities and links between the Hittite and Aryan languages, it is obvious that the peoples' migration took place from the west to the east, that is from Europe to Asia and not the other way round.

The old form of the Hittite words is proof that they derived from the Carpatho-Danubian trunk (European) reaching thus Asia Minor. The existing archaeological and anthropological evidence is enough (according to J.C.Dragan in "We, the Thracians", page. 90) to say that as early as the Neolithic Age in the Thracian space and in the neighboring area there lived an aboriginal population - the forefathers of the Historical European Peoples and that linguistically, this population can be considered Pre-Aryan.

I consider that the historians and archaeologists have wrongfully neglected our Thracian-Dacian mythology. The introduction of this mythology in the circulation of research next to such epics as the Sanskrit Vedas and Upanishads would be both to our advantage and, at the same time would cast a different light upon the remote past of the European continent.

Recently, Bulgaria has organized an International Symposium of Thracology (15-18 May 1998). The agenda included the topics:

1. The oldest Pre-Thracian symbol found - the swastika - 6,000 BC;

2. The first ornaments and golden masks (of Thracian origin) to be found - 3,800 BC (karanovo V-VI);

3. 1,600 treasures of the Thracian kings - considered the most beautiful in the world;

4. New Thracian splendors.

In the "Iliad", Homer, speaking of the Thracians, mentioned that "their golden shields made their armies shine," and that "their treasures were so precious that Priam (king of the Thracian Troy) could take back the head of his dead son from the hands of the Greeks only after offering the latter the famous Golden Thracian Cup."

All the great civilizations flourished along the valleys of the great rivers and especially at their rivermouths: the Egyptian civilization, on the Nile, the Mesopotamian one, between the Tigris and the Euphrates, the Indian one on the Indus and the Gange, the Chinese civilization on the Yellow River, and the European one, with or without the consent of the "great professors of history and archaeology", on the Danube's valley, and especially on its delta. This is the real cradle of the Proto-European civilization - the old precincts of the Carpathians and of the Danube. In the ancient days it was here that the Greeks would come looking for the Golden Wool and Danubian agricultural riches. In these specific places the famous Golden Age flourished, with its Heroes' Cemetery at the rivermouth of the Danube and the Gods' Dwelling Place in the fortress of the Koga-Ion.

Take a look at the map and you will see the splendor of this country, where the springs find their way out of the mountains and follow their fan-shaped course to the Danube, along quiet valleys and gently-sloping hills, propitious for agriculture and grazing. From high above, this ellipse-shaped hydrographic network looks like the Egg of Genesis. These mountains of salt without which man's life and the raising of cattle simply cannot be imagined represented in those ancient times a bigger wealth than gold; and indeed maybe it was the most valuable wealth to own for the ancient people. As an old Dacian fairy tale has it, nothing is more precious than "the salt in one's food."

The richness of the soil and of the subsoil made the Thracian space be coveted by the neighboring tribes and peoples. And indeed, it was this Eldorado of antiquity that those neighbors wished for. "The European invaders came and are still coming from the east." The migrations from the south to the north were caused not only by economic reasons but also by the changes in the climate and in the flora and fauna; as J.C.Dragan wrote "any tree which bears fruit and seeds, seeks to spread them around;" similarly, our Dacian-Thracian people, through prolific tribes, yielded fruits and spread either around its own territory, migrating as far as Asia or crossed the narrows of Bosporus and of Dardanelles, reaching Anatolia; this is how the Ramantes-Dardans built the fortress Troy, and the Phrygians made up a branch later called Phrygia; the Mysians were a small branch of the Moesian people, living south of the Danube; the Messapians, the Lapigians and the Veneti, from eastern Italy were related to the Dalmatian and Pannonian Thraco-Illyrians (where the state Rhama lay until the arrival of the Hungarians) the extension of the Carpatho-Danubian people looks very much like an atomic explosion, with its epicenter on their homeland, in The Country of the Sun, in the Aryan Pre-Sanskrit Daksha. Our ancestors then settle along the river Hipanis (the Bug) and the Borystene (Nipru or the Dnieper). The Cimmerian people were herded on to the south by the Scythians, but the latter would not merge with the Great Thracian population, leaving behind only ... a name. The Thracians who spread as far to the west as the Atlantic Ocean reached the Valley of the Vistula too, and founded fortresses like Getidava; other branches, like that of the Etruscans and the Veneti were to head for the valley of the Padus. They conquered the Italian Peninsula at least four times, the last time under the Bright Ramantes Aeneas, who hailed from around Oltina (today Dobrogea), or according to Homer and Virgil, from Troy. Demosthenes and Iphycrates considered it a great honor that their mothers were of Thracian descent; the Greeks "borrowed" our gods and had only their names changed, tasting to the full of the Geto-Dacian myths and beliefs.

Then how can we not raise our voices today in order to make ourselves (the descendants of those Daco-Thracians) heard and to tell the world the Truth? Why should we humbly keep silent, bereft as we are of our glorious past? Only because it would not be "wise" to irritate or infuriate our "neighbors"? Speaking of our neighbors - let us know first who they were and who they are!

You will not see a humble and terrified people get any respect any more than you will see a rabbit sitting next to a wolf.

You, Daco-Roman people, wake up, take off your short-sighted glasses - that your neighbors forced you to put on and wear - and look proudly into your remote past, re-discover yourselves and don't be too modest to admit what you see. Nobody in Europe has an older, more beautiful and more fabulous history than ours.

We should bear in mind that we were the first to set foot on this European Land, and that we did it before the Greeks, the Italians, the English or the Slavs.

All these newcomers wish we had not existed so that they might have certain rights! Some even say Transylvania had been a vacant place, so when they came they just settled there, on an unoccupied territory. The same people urge us even more to believe - fool as we are - that we appeared after 106 AD, as a result of the "union" between two men - Trajan and Decebalus - the former conquering 14% of the Dacian territory after a fratricidal war.

No, Sirs, thank you! We have our own history, that had begun long before the Romans took over kilometers of the Dacian territory. Our history started a long time ago, when we, founders of Europe, set ourselves to conquer Asia, China, India, Japan, Anatolia, Sumer, and Asia Minor, Palestine, Mesopotamia and Northern Africa.

This is our history - the history of the Carpatho-Danubian people, of the Pelasgians, of the Thracians, of the Daco-Ramantes. We, the Daco-Roman people represent the backbone of the contemporary world's history.