The Thesaurus of Pietroasa


Somewhere far away, deep in the heart of Central Europe, in the lands where legends say that "Baba Dochia" (Mama Mare, Cybele or Lady Neaga, the way the natives also named her) used to ride a ferocious Lion with the magnificent Caloian (Attis, the son of Calaus) at her right side, exactly in the area where the Carpathian Arch tends to bend toward north stands still, proud and enigmatic, Mount Istrita (in Buzau County), while on a small plateau sitting next to its feet, a sharp eye will discover the village of Pietroasele. From ancient times the situation of Mount Istrita, having an obvious strategic advantage, had to be used as an observation point for the whole Carpatho-Danubian population (being Aryan, Pelasgic, Thracians or Dacians, in fact the descendants of the same nation, of the people named "Romanian" in modern times). The famous historian and researcher in the early stage of the evolution of our nation, the Professor Nicolae Densusesanu showed among others that in the year of 1847 it still could be seen on the highest end the stately peak of the former said mountain, some kind of circular wave with a diameter of 6.32 meters having the strange name of "Sura de aur" ("The Golden Shed"). Another cliff from the same mountain presents the symbolic shape of a stallion, the natives naming the place "The Peak of the White Horse." Sculptured by man or a result of the natural erosion, this cliff is considered by Prof. Densusianu as a votive monument dedicated to the old supreme Solar (Uranian) Deity. In fact, examining the Romanian ancient mythology, we are talking about a new proof of the Cult of the Thracian Solar God Gebeleizis or maybe of an even older Vedic Deity. Besides, through the centuries, on the same Istrita Mount, two cliffs have the names of "The Rock of the Falcon" and not far, the peak "The Nest of the Raven" where from springs the clear water of a river called "The Fountain of the Eagle." Its waters add up very close forming "The Lake of the Eagle".

As you can see, none of the marks of these legend places have any common name of... hen, chicken or hatching hen (although the far Maramures, in North Transylvania, is proud with its Mount Hen where is taking place, annually, "Simbra Oilor," the popular celebration of the shepherds of that region). Here, in 1837, two peasants from Pietroasele village, Ion Lemnaru and his father-in-law, Stan Avram, were to make a sensational and of very important archaeological discovery. While working on the coast of the said Istrita Mount to extract the rocks for building a bridge, they discover, under a stone not too deep, an impressive collection of golden jewelry- all together 22 objects, bowls and ornaments. Simpleminded, even "pragmatic" people, the peasants hid the thesaurus risen from the mist of our history planning the later reckless selling, almost for nothing, to an Albanian called Anastase Verussi. The said merchant will prove even more "inventive" than the discoverers, starting to brake most of the parts of the invaluable objects using the chisel and hammer, hoping this way to avoid entering the thesaurus under the jurisdiction of the laws of the country. So, another year had to pass by until, in 1938, the Government of The Romanian Country got some information about the existence of this treasure and tried to save whatever could be saved. So, at the end of 1842 were deposited at the National Museum of Bucharest 12 items of the thesaurus of Pietroasa, improper known later as "The hatching hen with the golden chickens."

In reality the Antiquity did not bring in any artistic value (statue, painting, jewelry, etc.) that does not represent in the same time also a metaphysical symbol and if some authorized voices consider today that the golden birds would represent in fact symbols of the old Thracians or Geta-Dacians Deities (also known as "Bukolion" or "Vukalan") maybe they are not wrong at all. The treasure we are talking about was found close to that natural assembly that includes "The Rock of the Falcon," "The Nest of the Raven," "The Fountain" and "The Lake of the Eagle." The following question arises: how come the idea of naming it "the Hatching Hen?"!

Browsing the ancient legends and customs we will see that the supreme and the noblest and most extraordinary flyer mentioned in those legends was the so-called "Phoenix Bird." By the ancient theology this would have been unique on Earth (in other words, the only "Semper Avis"). It was a Solar Deity dedicated to the Star of the Day and was continuously living in vital cycles estimated by some at 700 years, and by others at only 509 years. At the end of its long life, periodically, this was building some kind of nest from chosen branches and good smelling plants in which it was ending the existence. Later, "the nest" was metamorphosing into an egg, symbol of the primordial Genesis, containing the ash of the Phoenix Bird, which it was to rise renewed forever.

Let us compare now the descriptions of "the Bird" the way the ancients saw it and the aspect of the so-called "Hatching Hen" from the Thesaurus of Pietroasa. We will begin with the writings that the celebre Greek historian Herodotus dedicated it: "It is a bird with the feather having some golden color, some red and similar to the eagle (Aquila) by its shape and measure. It was leaving Arabia carrying a myrrh egg in the claws - going to the Temple of the Sun to reborn. Plinius the Old said: "... The noblest bird is Phoenix, native of Arabia, having the size of an eagle and the neck colored like gold, a red body, a blue tail also interweaved with red feathers. The Phoenix was transporting its nest from Arabia up close to Panchea, in "the City of Sun." Based on the research of the geographer Mela, "Panchea" was situated close to the Ceraunic Mountains, the Cerna Mountains of today. The texts of the great exiled roman poet Ovidiu considered the Phoenix to live on a hill in the most beautiful lands of Elizeu, in fact the same geographic region of the ancient times corresponding to the Jales Valley in modern Romania that begins upward to Arcani. It would result so that the most famous winged of the pre-Christian Religion could be localized precisely in a legendary region of the Nordic Hemisphere situated right under the pure and clear horizon of Istru (large river named later "Danube"), close to the said Ceraunic Mountains.

Let us look in comparison the way our "Hatching Hen" of Pietroasa stands: the fibula represents the image of a sacred bird, about the size of a hawk. The whole surface of this flyer, shaped in bulky gold, had been initially decorated with various red, green, blue and yellow gems or semiprecious stones. Above, in the top, the hatching hen was having a huge red garnet with the eyes also made of red gems and the tail ending in countless suspended little chains made of the finest gold.

The Romanian writer Alexandru Odobescu, the one who was to add all the years dedicated to the study of the thesaurus into a monumental work published in Paris, "Le tresor de Petrosa," 'was forgetting' to name it "the Hatching Hen," to refer, at pages 663-671 at "the neck of the eagle" that showed to him framed by heart-shaped garnet with the tip downward (in photographs I have seen them myself with the tip upward!). Odobescu also talks in detail about "the beak and the neck of the eagle" decorated also with big size garnets.

Because everything, especially in the religious cult, had its own typical shapes and forms for the ancient Carpatho-Danubian (pelasgic-thracic) people can say that we were talking about the figure of the celebre Bird whom an anonymous artist would have been given "life" conform to a strictly traditional model! In 1885, when Prof. N. Densusianu was working on its "Dacia Preistorica" ("Prehistorical Dacia"), he did not forget to mention "Octoihul Slavonesc" printed in 1575 and where the Phoenix Bird is described through a supplementary detail - it keeps in its beak a hooked cross of the old pelasgic swastika, a very old symbol of the "renewed" Sun when spring was coming. The same way It appears in "Psaltirea Slavo-Rom^neasc~" from 1577 (Bianu & Hodos, Bibliografia rom., tom I, p. 61-1.575 and 67-1577).

Later we will find the Phoenix as a Heraldic Bird in the emblems of the Romanian Country, being represented exactly in the moment of depositing the nest above some regenerating flames; above it has the Sun, the Moon and the Great Bear (the Great Carriage constellation of today composed of seven stars), so together nine stars "watch over" its Eternity and in the beak is keeping now the traditional Christian Cross that was to replace the primordial swastika (see also "Pravila" printed in Govora in 1640). Still, the "historians" not so well prepared in the field also have the right of their personal opinion and these, without too much research for the obvious meaning hidden in this discovery, hurried to catalog the first authentic representation in the world of the legendary Phoenix Bird as a "poor" 'hatching hen with chicks'. In fact the chickens are suggesting symbolically the very eternal revival of the Phoenix from its own ash, like little duplicates meant to remake, repeatedly again, the original Divinity! Our so-called "historians" of today and yesterday do not stop here: very soon in Bucharest has been published the volume "Heraldica Romaniei" ("The Heraldic of Romania") written by some Lady Maria Dogaru that I enjoyed it somewhat but all over I disliked it, seeing the way various information and arguments are intentionally omitted or ignored, considered maybe "politically inconfortable"...

The same way the treasures of the Egyptian Pharaohs proved their malefic influence over all the greedy discoverers and the speculars, we can say, first time in the world, the way a similar course works for the thesaurus of Pietroasa, a lethal course (properly and figurative) for all those that tried or will try the alienation from the descendants of the old pelasgian people, its eternal masters. It is strange that not only Lemnaru, Avram and Verussi were to die short after the committed illegalities of the discovered thesaurus, but also the concealers of the objects that could not be recovered by the Government were to end the same quick and strange way, usually violent. In the winter of 1875 the treasure is stolen from the Museum, during a terrible wind storm one night, by a former seminarian named Pantazescu. Quickly captured and imprisoned, he will be shot in an escape attempt. The writer Al. Odobescu, the author of the well-known "Pseudo-Kynegheticos" ("False Handbook for Hunting") will kill himself strangely, short after he "dares" to publish "Le tresor de Petrosa" in Paris, and not in Romania, his native country. At the beginning of our century the "clever" Romanian Government during the World War I make a historical mistaken move: it evacuates the thesaurus of the country ("the Hatching Hen with the Chicks" being part of it) at Moscow in order to save it from the armies of the Central Powers , "forgetting" maybe the old saying that... "whatever takes the Russian, it is taken for good!" When the pelasgic Phoenix "wakes up" abusive restrained at Kremlin, all over the great Russia are starting lots of misfortunes (see also "Dacia Secreta" - "Secret Dacia" by Adrian Bucurescu), takes place a communist 'coup d'état that brings in a social system denying any Divinity (our "Bird" represents also the power and so the anger of the God of Sun like the coursed treasures of the Pharaohs); the whole Imperial Family of the Tzar Nicolai II Romanov, the supreme authority during the taking over of the thesaurus, ends violently being executed and the Civil War begins. Later, millions of Russians are being killed when Germany attacks USSR and even more due to the genocide order by Stalin and the communist system overall. Moreover, most of the Romanian leaders that, even did not succeed (like Antonescu) or did not want the recovery of "the Phoenix Bird" from strange places from its "nest" (Dej or Ceausescu cases), were to end up of unnatural deaths, sometimes just like Pantazescu, Odobescu or the Tzar Nicolai II!!

The Thesaurus of Pietroasa has indeed a terrible course "written" on a link and only the sharp eye and cultivated mind can see its meanings: from left to right the thracian inscription shows the Trinity HUTEN IAREN EIVEN, translated " Be your House (Nation) in peace" but, read the other way, the words become NEVIEN ERAI NETUH, that means "Be coursed the evildoer (thief)."

Maybe it would be better to tell the Russians the truth, just because they would want more peace in their country from now on... The same way the place of "the Nibelung's Ring" cannot be anywhere else but in the waters of Rhine, the same way "the house" of the Phoenix Bird has to become again Romania, as soon as possible.