"The first", as Lao Tzu himself put it, knew that any building brings forth a symmetrical equivalent. The first ceramic and the first ploughing appeared in a world which admired and handled geometry, and which knew that all the eatible plants blossom in five petals. Music is but a memory of those geometrical times. The world of "the first" is the world of music and geometrical symbols.

The smiling boy of Vidra. His eyes have the shape of right triangles. It was found on the handle of a lid. The Boian Culture.

Globular ceramic vase with diamond-shaped patterns, painted white against a red foundation. The Cris-Starcevo Culture. Cca 6000 BC.

The stag of the Dudestii Noi. The Cris-Starcevo Culture.

The couple of lovers found by Vl. Dumitrescu (4700 B.C.) The Gumelnita Culture, the Danubian shore, Southern Romania.

The splendid little statue with mask in hand, discovered by Marija Sabin Adrian Luca (4700 B.C.) Liubcova-Ocnita, Caras-Severin, Romania. The Vinca Culture.

The madona of Hamangia. The Hamangia Culture
(5200-4900 BC)

The thinker of Hamangia. The Hamangia Culture.( 5200-4900 BC)

The kiss of the Rast. Romania. The Vinca Culture.

Another madona or goddess found at Hamangia. The little statue has two pairs of breasts, also visible at the Sona madona (see the Sona File)

The map of the Cris-Starcevo culture, the Carpatho-Danubian civilization of the first homo sapiens (see The First) (see Marija Gimbutas) (Millenium 7-6 BC).

The map of the Carpato-Danubian cultures Gumelnita, Boian, Hamangia. The 5th millenium is dominated exclussively by the Danubian goddesses (as Marija Gimbutas holds too). The Danube is the first civilizing river of mankind.

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